Assessment and Feasibility

  • Carrying out scoping studies such as livelihood scoping studies for setting up development programmes to ensure food security especially of the marginalized groups
  • Carrying out Participatory Poverty Assessments at the National and sub-national levels
  • Carry out feasibility studies and prepare project appraisal documents (PAD) for social development projects, to increase access of the poor to food, funded by bi-lateral agencies like DFID etc and for large projects funded by multilateral institutions like the WB, as well as those funded through resources raised by the community on business principles including Pro-Poor Public Private Partnerships

Implementing Programs & Projects for Social Upliftment on Business Principles

  • Setting up development programmes and projects for social development to increase people’s access to health, education and sanitation with special reference to increasing access to food
  • Developing designing for raising resources from “alternative” sources based on business principles
  • Designing and facilitating Social Audit of business for social development

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Set up systems for community based monitoring and evaluation of plans, programmes and projects using both traditional and Participatory Learning and Action Technology, especially with “People Voice Tools”
  • Carry out participatory monitoring and evaluation of plans, programmes and projects using traditional methods as also Participatory Learning and Action methods

Guiding Action Research on:

  • Poverty alleviation and food security
  • Social development
  • Participatory management of development projects and programmes
  • Social risk management and use of social capital formation and social mobilization as transformative strategies to ensure food security
  • Decentralization in governance, planning and evaluation.

Capacity Building in:

  • Participatory analysis of policies related to social sectors, food security, environment (particularly common property resources) and processes
  • Participatory poverty assessments
  • Participatory community planning for social development
  • Participatory monitoring and evaluation and developing “People’s voice Tools”
  • Strategic planning
  • Policy analysis and advocacy for policy change in social sectors