Current Position

  • Senior Adviser, Government of India, in the Ministry of Rural Development, NRLM, New Delhi.
  • Executive Director, Development Track in Research, Training and Consultancy, New-Delhi (a knowledge company)

  • Previous Positions

  • Dr. Amitava Mukherjee is erstwhile Senior Expert in Micro Economic Policy and Development Division for United Nations’ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (UNESCAP)
  • Prior to that he was Senior Economic Affairs Officer and Head of Asian and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (APCAEM) for United Nations’ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Beijing. Responsibilities at APCAEM included total operational management of the Centre with focus on identifying technology and machinery that would help improve the productivity of farms in the Asia Pacific Region, as a means to alleviate poverty given that most farmers in the region are small and marginal farmers. He has also worked as Head of the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty Through Sustainable Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia in 2010
  • He was Regional Advisor on Poverty Reduction (from July 2004- December 2007), United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. Responsibilities included advising government on income and non-income poverty reduction, social development, monitoring and evaluation of development programs of member States of United Nations ESCAP, developing system for social accounting, social auditing and social accountability in developing countries of Asia and the Pacific, policy advocacy on behalf of United Nations ESCAP
  • He also worked on development issues confronting Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, especially on community development/planning and community based evaluation of social development programmes and “Voices of the People”. He has advised governments and/or its agencies as well as inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations on income and non-income poverty reduction, institution building and development of pro-poor partnerships between the government, private sector and civil society organisations in India, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
  • He was Chief Technical Advisor (June 2003-July 2005), Pro-poor Public-Private Partnership, United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand with responsibilities of designing and implementing pro-poor projects through Public-Private Partnerships in delivery of basic services, as also co-coordinating, planning and M & E of the projects in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Pakistan
  • As Master Trainer and Social Affairs Officer (February 2003 to June 2003), Health and Development Section, United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
  • As Executive Director, Development Track in Research, Training and Consultancy, New-Delhi (a knowledge company): Total operational and management responsibilities of the Company engaged in building capacity of government staff and civil society actors, carrying out cutting edge level research in social development and poverty eradication and providing consulting services on social development and nurturing development organization