Food Security in Asia

Central Problem in Economics

Dimensions of Monetary Expansion in India

District Plan for a Hill District

Empowering Panchayats –
Handbook for Master Trainers

Empowering Women Panchayat Members

Environment and Development

Financing an Inclusive and Green Future

First Book on PRA

Frontiers in PRA n PLA

Hiv Aids

Perspectives and Reality

Researches in Decentralisation

Foundations of Decentralization

Methodology and Data Base
Part A

Methodology and Data Base
Part B

Methodology and Data Base
Part C

Readings in Decentralization

Readings in Decentralization

Panchayats in the Nineties

New Issues in Panchayati Raj

India’s Trade by Region

Perspectives of the Silent Majority-
Air Pollution-Livelyhood and Food Security

PRA and Questionnaire Survey

PRA of Natural Resources

Profit Maximization

Proximate determinants of Money stock

Saving Our Future-Multiministerial Action Guide

SIRUP-4-Participatory Learning and Action

SIRUP-5-Participatory Rural Appraisal – Methods n Applications

SIRUP-6-Participatory Learing n Action-MnE

Structural Adjustment Programme and Food Security

Structural Adjustments Interim Analysis

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Asia n the Pacific – (Lead Author)

Theory of Human Resources

Voices of the Poor
(in English and Armenian)