1. Effects of terms of Trade upon India’s Trade Balance: The General and Sectoral Cases, Indian Economic Journal, January March 1983.
  2. Our Gains From Trade : How and How Far, Foreign Trade Review, Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, April June 1982.
  3. Determinants and Behaviour of Purchasing Power of Exports, Margin, Journal of the National Council for Applied Economic Research, New Delhi, April ’82.
  4. Travel Receipts & Tourism : An Invisible Component of India’s Balance of Payments, Southern Economist, Vol.21, No.9, 1982.
  5. Loan Commitment of LDCs : A Study in Retrospect, Indian Economic Journal, January March, 1985, pp.60 81.
  6. Venture Capital, Industrial & Management Review, Vol. V. No.8, 1988, Pages 36 40.
  7. India’s Terms & Trade: A Study in Behaviour and Stability, Business Standard Annual, 1981, Calcutta (Co authored).
  8. Rajasthan’s Antyodaya Programme: An Analytical Study, Yojana, New Delhi, April 16, 1979, Vol.XXIII/7.
  9. Secularly Deteriorating Terms of Trade : India: Myth of Reality, Foreign Trade Review, New Delhi, April June 1980, Vol. XV. No.1 (with Mrs. Neela Mukherjee).
  10. Recent Monetary Measures to Control Money Supply: A Study in Retrospect & Prospect, Yojana, New Delhi, December 16, 1979, Vol.XXIII/23.
  11. Economics of Small Scale Industries with Emphasis on Efficiency Dimensions, Yojana, New Delhi, 1980.
  12. Impact of I.M.F. conditionality on Money supply M1, Conference Paper, XXth Econometric Conference at New Delhi, from 6th to 8th January, 1981.
  13. Effects of Terms of Trade upon National Income : Sectoral Cases : 1957 58 to 1978 79, Foreign Trade Review, September December, 1983.
  14. Long run Analysis from Proxy Planters: Tea industry, Tea Today, Vol.7 No.3, 1986, July September, pp.43 51.
  15. “A Micro Theoretic Interpretation of Bureaucratic Corruption in India”, Papers & Proceedings of the XXVII Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society (Aligarh : Aligarh Muslim University, Department of Economic) 1990.
  16. “Temporal, Spatial and Technical Diversity in Sub National Planning in India”, paper read at the Seminar of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. Rome; Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, and Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, from 10th to 15th December 1990, at Bangkok.
  17. “What We Did Not Deal?” in Readings in Decentralized Planning with Special Reference to District Planning, Volume 2, (New Delhi : Concept Publishing Company) 1991.
  18. “Decentralization : Some Conceptual Issues” in Readings in Decentralized Planning with Special Reference to District Planning, Volume 2, (New Delhi : Concept Publishing Company), 1991.
  19. “Decentralized Planning, Apprehensions and Environment : Analytical Framework” in Readings in Decentralized Planning with Special Reference to District Planning, Volume 2, (New Delhi : Concept Publishing Company), 1991.
  20. “Data Discrepancy and Planning Anomaly” in Reading in Decentralized Planning with Special Reference to District Planning, Volume 2, (New Delhi : Concept Publishing Company), 1991, Co authored.
  21. “Decentralized Planning : Issues and Training Implication” (An Analytical Framework) Co authored, Paper read at the National Workshop on Decentralized Planning at Administrative Staff College India, Hyderabad, 3rd to 5th January, 1991.
  22. “Village Life in Himalayan Region: Socio Economic Complexities”, (Co authored) in B.N. Yugandhar and N. Mukherjee (eds): Studies in Village India: Issues in Rural Development (New Delhi : Concept Publishing Company) 1991.
  23. “Poverty alleviation Programmes and Project Sustain ability Through People’s Participation : Some Evi dence” (Co authored) paper presented at the Economic Development Institute World Bank and Government of India Trainers’ Workshop on Project Sustainability, Mussoorie, August 12th 16th, 1991.
  24. “Let the Poor be Arbiter of their own future!” (Co authored) Kurukshetra, October, 1991 pp. 71 to 75.
  25. Participatory Rural Appraisal and Micro Planning: Similarities and Implications, Discussion Paper,SOAS, London, June, 1992.
  26. Micro Level Planning in a Participatory Framework: Possibilities and Pre requisites, Discussion Paper, School of Oriental and African Studies, Department of Geography, London, July, 1992, and The Administrator, January March, 1993.
  27. Methodologies in Decentralized Planning: A Brief Survey and Some Review, Annals of National Geographers of India, June September, 1992.
  28. “Decentralized Planning: Issues and Training Implications.An Analytical Framework” co authored, IASSI Quarterly, Vol. 10, No.2, 1991.
  29. “Environment and Development through the Looking Glass of the World Bank : A Review of the World Development Report”, Discussion Paper, London : School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, June, 1992 and The Administrator (Mussoorie: LBS National Academy of Administration), Vol.XXXVII No.2, April June, 1992.
  30. “Meaning of Development : A Reflection through Partic ipatory Methods” paper read at 5th Indo British Semi nar, on Environment & Development, 1993 and in Environment and Development : Views from the East and the West (New Delhi : Concept) 1993.
  31. “Maintenance and Creation of Alternative Data bases for Panchayati Raj Institutions”, in Panchayati Raj and Democratic Decentralization (New Delhi: Vikas Publica tions), 1993.
  32. “Seventy Second Amendment : Next Steps Conflict Resolution”, Gramin Vikas Newsletter, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, New Delhi, May, 1993.
  33. “Implementation of the Constitution (Seventy Third Amendment) Act: Conscientisation”, Kurukshetra, June, 1993.
  34. “Development From Within”, Yojana, Vol.37:No.16, Sep tember 15, 1993.
  35. “Environment for Decentralized Planning”, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. XXV, No.1, 1993.
  36. “Beyond The North’s Common Future”, in South North Centre for Environmental Policy Newsletter, London, Issue No.11, December 1993
  37. “Human Resource Development for Panchayats”, (Co authored) in The Administrator, Vol. XXXVIII, No.4, October December, 1993 (New Delhi : Wiley Eastern Ltd.)
  38. “The Seventy Third Amendment : Next Steps and Conflict Resolution”, The Administrator, Vol. XXXVIII, No.4, October December 1993, (New Delhi : Wiley Eastern Ltd.)
  39. “Grass Without Roots”, in Amitava Mukherjee (ed.): Decentralization: Panchayats in the Nineties, 1994 (Delhi: Vikas Publishing).
  40. “Pattern of seasonal unemployment in Himalayan region”, (Co authored) Agrarians Move, Vol.1, No.1, April 1994.
  41. “All for the People” The World Summit for Social Development should investigate the underlying premises of World Bank and IMF Policies, Down to Earth, February 28, 1995.
  42. “Sustainable Development and Access to Land Assets”, (co-authored) in B. N. Yugandhar & P. S. Datta (eds.): Land Reforms in India, Rajasthan – Feudalism and Change (New Delhi : Sage) 1995.
  43. “Media Advocacy: An idea whose time has come”, MADHYAM, Vol. XI, No.2, December 1996.
  44. “Out of the Abyss: Challenge before the Civil Society Actors”, Indian Economic Journal, Conference Volume of the Indian Economic Association, 1999.
  45. “State of Rights in South Asia” for the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Paper, in preparation for the 2001 Conference of the Commonwealth Heads of State and Heads of Government, in Brisbane.
  46. “People Protected Area Interface: Some Lessons in Policy Making and Practice from Protected Areas in China and India” (co-authored with Neela Mukherjee), presentation at the ninth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, held in November 2003 and cited in CBD Technical Series No. 9, Facilitating Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, 2004.