1. Valedictory Address on “Attitudes and Behaviour” to the National Conference on Participatory Identification of Poor, organised by the Governments of India and Tamilnadu, in Chennai, on 8-Oct-2013.
  2. Lecture on “Vision, Mission, Values and Identity in Developing Organizational Capacity“, at the National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, on 19-Dec-2013.
  3. Corruption as an Institution in Economics” talk delivered to select Scholars of School of Oriental and African Studies, London, in November, 1988.
  4. Lecturedto the Students of the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, on Dynamics of India’s Development in May 1991 at Milpitas, Cal, U.S.A.
  5. Lectured at the Centre for South Asian Studies at University of California at Berkeley, California, USA, on Poverty Alleviation Programmes and Decentralized Planning in India, on 19th June, 1991
  6. Lectured at the Suntroy Toyota International Centre for Economics & Related Disciplines, London School of Economics, London, on the Environment for Decentralized Planning and the Eighth Five Year Plan for India, on 7th May, 1992
  7. One of the Principal Speaker at the Seminar on Recent Policy Changes in India, held on 18/7/92 at the London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, London
  8. Geography and Planning Research Seminar on “Planning for Structural Adjustment Programmes and Environment through Food Security” at the London School of Economics and Political Science, London, on 28th October, 1993
  9. Address to the Preparatory Committee Meeting 2 for the World Summit on Social Development, at the United Nations, Head Quarters, New York, on August 23, 1994
  10. Address to the Preparatory Committee Meeting 2 for the World Summit on Social Development, on behalf of the South Asia Caucus of Non Government Organizations, on August 30, 1994, at the United Nations Head Quarters, New-York
  11. Structural Adjustment Programme and Poverty, Solo Seminar at the Alternative Forum in reply to the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank and IMF, at the Autonomous University, Madrid, Spain on September 28, 1994
  12. Address on Status of the Southern Perspectives on World Summit on Social Development, address to the First Plenary of the World Summit on Social Development of the United Nations being a meeting of Heads of States and Heads of Governments, on March 06, 1995 at Copenhagen, Denmark
  13. Talk on the Structure of India’s Poverty, at the Alternative NGO Forum, at Holmen Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark March 04, 1995
  14. Address Global Problems of Food to the Plenary of the 23rd FAO Regional Conference for Asia & Pacific, of Ministers & Prime Ministers held from May 14 18, 1996 at Apia, Western Samoa, in preparation for the World Food Summit to be held in Rome in November 1996
  15. Address on Hunger in South Asia to the Committee on Food Security of the FAO, in September 1996, as the final preparatory meeting for the World Food Summit held in Rome in November 1996
  16. Lectures on Poverty Alleviation and Area Planning delivered at The National Research Centre for Science & Technology for Development, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of China, Beijing, China on November 09-15, 1997
  17. Lectured on Food Security and Poverty Alleviation at the People’s Summit in paralell to “G-8 Summit” at Birmingham, U. K. in May 1998
  18. “Rights Model of Development; What Johan Galtung Did Not Say” at the Foundation Day Seminar of the National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad, August 1999
  19. “Food Security in India” at the 50th Anniversary Seminar of CARE India, at Vigyan Bhawan New-Delhi, March 2000
  20. Perspectives of Tribal Women on Hunger”, invited lecture at the National Seminar on Food Security, held at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, India, held under the auspices of the Ministry of Food and Civil Supply, Government of India and the Institute for Human Development, New-Delhi, in June 2000
  21. Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights at the WTO and the States In India, to Sri N. Chandra Babu Naidu, Chairman, Poverty Eradication Mission, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, India, December 2000
  22. Sectional Presidential address at the Consultative Workshop on Food Security and Child Work in Rural Areas, of the World Food Programme, New Delhi, on 13-17th may 2001
  23. Sectional Chair at the International Conference of the Confederation of Indian Industry on “Bio-Technology on the Fast Track: Need for Regulation”, New Delhi, July 18th, 2001
  24. Presentation to the Chief Minister and Ministers of Forest, of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development and of Sports and Youth Affairs, and Principal Secretaries/Special Chief Secretaries of key Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh on alternative systems of delivery of poverty eradication programmes, Hyderabad, 31st July 2001
  25. Presentation on “Access to Basic Services for the Elderly through Public Private Partnerships” at United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok , 21 July 2004
  26. Presentation on “Health for the Aged through Public Private Partnerships” at United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok , 9th August 2004
  27. Lecture on “Income and Employment generation Programme of India and it Relevance for Uzbekistan on 22nd October 2004, at Tashkent, Uzbekistan, organized by the Ministry of Labour, Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  28. Public Lecture at the International Human Resources Development Congress on “Fighting Poverty through Public Private Partnership”, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1st October 2004
  29. Lecture on “Pro-Poor Public Private Partnership” at special event of The Regional Ministerial Meeting on Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific: The Way Forward 2015, Jakarta, 3-5 August 2005
  30. Paper on “Engaging Communities in Public Private Partnerships in the Delivery of Basic Services to the Poor: Inter Country Models and Perspectives”, at the International Conference on Engaging Communities at Brisbane from 14-17 August 2005
  31. Public Lecture on “Voices of the Poor, for the Review of the PRSP for Armenia” to Government Officials and Civil Society Actors at the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan February 2007
  32. Public Lecture on “Voices of the Poor, for the Review of the PRSP with Special Emphasis on Methodology”, at the Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia on 10th July 2007
  33. “Current High-value Agricultural Produce in Asia-Pacific and Potential Export Opportunities” at the Expert Group Meeting on Enhancing Partnerships through Trade Facilitation for Perishable Food Products, of UNESCAP from 21-22 January 2009, Bangkok
  34. “Food security and rural development [overview of topic, inter-linkages, way forward]” at the Capacity Development Workshop on Improving Agricultural Productivity, Water Use Efficiency and Strengthening Rural Livelihoods, of United nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York, UNW-DPC and ESCAP from 28-30 January 2009, at Bangkok
  35. “Reducing rural poverty by investing in rural infrastructure” in the Third Session and joined the debates on relevant issues at the Capacity Development Workshop on Improving Agricultural Productivity, Water Use Efficiency and Strengthening Rural Livelihoods, Capacity Development Workshop on Improving Agricultural Productivity, Water Use Efficiency and Strengthening Rural Livelihoods, of United nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York, UNW-DPC and ESCAP from 28-30 January 2009, at Bangkok
  36. “Food Security in the Asia pacific Region”, United Nations House, Beijing, 4th May 2009.
  37. Key Note Address on “Food Security in Asia” at the First AonBenfield Conference for members of the Agricultural Insurance and Reinsurance Industries at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Beijing from 17-20 April 2010.
  38. Key Note Address at the World Congress on Hunger in Vienna on 1 June 2012 on Food Security in Asia with special reference to Women and Girl Children, organized by Caritas with the Government of Austria.
  39. Public Lecture on “Community Based Responses to Food Insecurity : Experiences from Asia” on Saturday, 4th August 2012 at the Observer Research Foundation, Mumbai, India.
  40. Inaugural Lecture, entitled “Food Insecurity and Management of Risks” at the 4th IDS Amritsar International Seminar on Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus, sponsored by Ministry of Earth Science, Government of India, New Delhi, on 8 February 2013.
  41. Inaugural Lecture at the Convention of Dalit, Adivasi, Minority and OBC Organization, Constittuion Club, New Delhi, 4th December 2015.
  42. Keynote Address to the Coalition on Food and Nutritional Security, at India Habitat Centre New Delhi on 18th December 2015.
  43. Keynote Address to the Inter-State Annual Forum of Mushahar Community, New Delhi, 28th December 2015..
  44. The 33 Foundation Day Lecture of the Indian Institute of Bio-Social Research and Development Kolkata on 7th May 2017 on the engineering and philosophy of Community Participation in Public Private Partnership for delivery of basic services.
  45. Opening Lecture at the National Institute of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, to Deputy Commissioners and District Magistrates, 22 May 2017, on “Transforming India through RD Programmes: Role of DCs/DMs”, with focus on: (i) protection, maintenance and operation of the institutions created by law and (ii) finding alternative means for delivery of basic services.
  46. Advocacy Lecture at The National Consultation on Linking Agriculture, Nutrition, Health & Financial Services was held on 28th May 2017 at the India International Centre, New Delhi on the the Technology Based Second Green Revolution.