1. Successfully set up the South Asia Caucus of NGOs for the World Summit for Social Development (WSSD) and lobbied at the second, and third Preparatory Committee Meetings for the WSSD as also at the World Summit at Copenhagen in March 1995. This was the first time that regional issues concerning the South Asian Region were lobbied at the international level and with unprecedented success. The inclusion of specific reference to South Asia in the Commitments that came out of the Summit declaration was a result of the lobbying by the South Asia Caucus
  2. Successfully set up the South Asia Caucus for the World Food Summit and was an active player both at the Summit and at the NGO Forum held at Rome in November 1996. Prior to the Summit organised and led several consultations held in different parts of India and in Bangladesh to formulate the position of the South Asian Caucus to be advocated at the Food Summit
  3. Successfully set up the South Asia Collective for the Micro-Credit Summit held in February 1997 and had several rounds of meetings both in India and in Bangladesh to articulate points for advocacy at the Washington meet and led the advocacy effort at the Summit in Washington
  4. Formally established the India Collective for Micro-Finance Institutions in India as a follow up of the Micro-Credit Summit, in December 1997, for influencing public policy on Micro-Credit and providing a forum for practitioners and purveyors of Micro-Credit to debate on the best problems of the sector
  5. Set up the Global Forum for Food and Nutritional Security with a Strong Southern Perspective, in Brasilia, Brazil for monitoring the state of implementation of the Commitments made by Governments at various summits, notably the World Food Summit and lobby at the WTO against taking measures that hamper the sustainability of the food and nutritional security of the poor in the South
  6. Member of the Core Group of the South Asian Perspective Network Association, Colombo, Sri Lanka and of the South Asian Network for Food and Ecology, Tangail, Bangladesh
  7. Encouraged the formation of local level networks throughout India, on land rights, participatory development and non-timber forest produce