Key Note Speaker at Tata Affirmative Action Annual Convention, Mumabi, 27 April 2014

Key Note Speaker at Tata Affirmative Action Annual Convention, Mumabi, 27 April 2014

  1. Successfully led and/or supported policy influencing efforts on food security and drought mitigation in Orissa, IV Womens’ Conference at Beijing, Malaria Eradication in India, Kala Azhar in Bihar, Drinking Water in Karnataka, Primary Education in India and Land Rights in Andhra Pradesh
  2. Was a key lobbyist at the World Summit for Social Development held in Copenhagen in 1995
  3. Was a spokesman at the World Food Summit for the South Asian NGOs and lobbied at the Summit in Rome in 1996
  4. Was a Member representing Asia on the Steering Committee for the Global Consultation of Civil Society Actors in September in FAO Head Quarters, Rome on the World Food Summit
  5. Was a key player from Asia at the World Micro-credit Summit held in Washington, February, 1997
  6. Key Resource Person for the Project Design Team for ACTIONAID’s Advocacy Campaign on Food Rights Campaign worldwide
  7. Team Leader for ACTIONAID’s world wide campaign on Right to Food. This involved working across the agency in a, coordinating food rights campaign in 25 countries and building a coherent team that can articulate and carry out the campaign throughout the world, with northern and southern governments and with international agencies like the WTO, WB and the IMF
  8. Chairperson of the South Asia Caucus of NGOs, at the World Summit on Social Development, Copenhagen, March 6‑13, 1995 and also for its Preparatory Committee Meetings held in New York at the United Nations in August‑September 1994 and January 1995; of the South Asia Caucus for the World Food Summit held in Rome in November 1996 and Co-Chair of the Micro-credit Summit held in Washington in February 1998
  9. As Chairperson of the South Asia Caucus for the World Summits my functions included:
    • Chairing and guiding the Caucus at the United Nations and at Summits such as the World Summit in Copenhagen; Food Summit in Rome in November 1996 and the Micro-Credit Summit in Washington in February 1997
    • Work out consensus/the South Asia Position with regard to the Declaration and Programme of Action of the Summits; lobbying at the highest level both with South Asian governments and the relevant Secretariat on issues that are of vital concern for the South Asian Region
    • Creating an atmosphere for national debates and discourses to provide inputs on issues of poverty eradication, productive employment, social cohesion and enabling environment for development, food security etc
    • Liaise with different NGOs world wide and in South Asia to create pressure points and establish permanent networking for social development, food security etc
    • Put in place mechanisms for follow-up of the Summit Commitments and Plan of Action emanating from the Summits